It's been almost a year since hyperthermia in Germany. I have had some improvements but I continue to have pain on a daily basis. I just ended some of the supplements that were recommended by Germany doctors. I have been on a gluten, dairy and sugar free diet. My headaches continue and pain in my muscles and joints in my extremities. The big question everyone asks is if I thought the treatment was worth it. Very difficult to answer. The treatment slowed the progression. I feel stronger and the pain is less, requiring less pain medication. I had hoped for a full recovery as the Germany doctors thought I would be pain free in 2-4 months. I am not sure if the Lyme and co infections were killed during treatment. One of the doctors had mentioned in a email late last year that hyperthermia kills Borrellia(Lyme) and not Bartonella(which I have). This was not what I was told when I investigated this treatment. I am disappointed but will continue the fight.