Monday, September 8, 2014

Lyme recovery, September, 2014

It is week 10 after my Germany Lyme treatment. I am finally starting to feel better and having less pain on a few days per week. My strength has improved and I am sleeping better overall. I am still receiving weekly IV's along with other treatments and taking multiple supplements a day. I have been noticing hormonal changes and I know my thyroid continues to be an issue. I will soon need to battle those. I will be getting my hormones checked soon.  Recent bloodwork revealed higher than normal numbers for my liver. I will be making an appointment with my liver doctor real soon. I am continuing a gluten free diet but have not been successful with a dairy free diet. I personally do not think I have an issue with dairy. My stomach has been much better with the elimination of coffee. Oh how I miss my morning coffee though!!!! I am back to work full time. This has been very difficult for me since the summer was full of rest and more rest. I am back working with special needs children in schools. I am an occupational therapist and I love my job. Unfortunately, I am extremely busy and it is a very physically demanding job. I hope my progress continues so I can be the best I can be for my students, my family and myself! Oh, and a huge positive is that I rode my horse yesterday for the first time in a YEAR! I miss it so much. It was a good day.