Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Post Germany update

I am home. I am so excited to see my family and friends. I am so excited to sleep in my own bed again with my husband. It has been a rough 3-4 days. I am having trouble sleeping in addition to an increase in symptoms. I have been having multiple sweats/chills episodes throughout the day and night. Flu like symptoms of severe headache and body aches, nausea, and uncontrolled pain in my entire body. This is most likely what they call a Herxheimer reaction. This is a reaction to the endotoxins released by the death of bacteria(Lyme spirochetes).  My body is reacting to not only the spirochetes dying and releasing toxins but also getting rid of the dead spirochetes.  I have some difficulty with detox so this may last awhile and I will feel worse before I get better.  It is discouraging but I am trying to stay positive. There are times when I "lose it" and break down from all the stress of the last 2 weeks and now dealing with this.  For some odd reason, I believed I may be one of the lucky ones that would feel better immediately after treatment. I have to be patient. It is really hard to do after all these years but I am trying.


  1. Hi Karin

    A fellow Aussie lyme sufferer here. Just want to say a big thank you for this blog and providing progress reports during what sounded to be a challenging time for you physically. I was very grateful to be getting an insight into your journey at Klinik St Georg and I wish you a full and reasonably speedy recovery. I am so happy to know that the end of your time of suffering is nearly at an end. God Bless.

  2. Hi Karin, the fellow Aussie Lymie from the previous post here. I hope you have improved a little from your last post. I know though, having compromised detox ability myself, how bad herxing can be and how progress can be slow. But given you have ''fried'' those bugs, each day will slowly but surely get better for you. You might not see those increments immediately, but there will SOON come a time when you will notice and your improvements will then accelerate. You are on the home straight. Hang in there. I am thinking of you and will pray that the detox process gets easier, and that you begin to see real improvement soon. God Bless

    1. Thank you for your encouragement. Sounds like you have been there. There have been a few more good days, still am looking forward to full relief and recovery. Trying to stay positive! Thanks
